by George Croly (1780 - 1860)
Proud Barcelona, on the sunny shore
That lines with silver Spain's resplendent sea,
What can for sport or splendor vie with thee?
But now, thy day of war and terror o'er,
Like sudden madness burst thy grateful glee.
Thy morning streets were filled with pageantry;
At eve thy Rambla rang with dance and song;
Night, midnight, found the still unwearied throng
Wandering by seashore or illumined shade,
Busy with masque and feast and serenade.
Snippet 'Sacred Designs'
The Basilica of the Sacred Family
stands unfinished as we...
its scaffolds promises of tomorrow
marking what likely be...
and yet, it may only be suggestive
and the Artist as nebulous as he is
could be building to larger designs...
bigger than we...
bolder than we...
it's surely hard to allow
as bull-headed as we are
but, in fighting, an affectation on the art?